The Bears

Bears Christmas 1999
The Bears at Christmas 1999
Smokey the Ranger Bear was wearing Richard's hat.

Smokey and the 
Little BearsSmokey is Protector Bear for all the other bears, especially the little ones.
Rosie and Tyler are Mom and Dad to the little bears. Rosie and Tyler
Tyler Reading to the Little Bears They all love it when Tyler reads to them.
Here are the lady bears. The Lady Bears
The Gentlemen Bears ... and here are the gentlemen bears.
There are also the Beanie Baby bears The Beany Baby Bears
The Angel Bears ... and the very special angel and prayer bears.
They are so special, I had to pose with them Midi and the Angel Bears
Midi Kisses Halo, the Angel Beanie Baby Bear
An angel deserves a kiss, don't you think?
Love, Midi

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This page began February 15, 2000.
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